Monday, November 23, 2009


The things we do for fun...

After the past couple of weeks of crazy school schedules, my first campaigners, and some money issues, I've come to realize that I am so so so thankful for my friends. The past two weeks I've gone to Daniel's house and hung out with that whole crew, and it has really lifted my spirits. I also had a wonderful conversation over the phone with Kristin, which made my day last week. Not to mention my intermittent contact with Carol Lee that is always fun and full of sharing what's on our hearts. Also, I got to chill with some young life girls Friday along with Ogle at Waffle House, and I got to see Olivia and Andy at church Sunday. What a fun past couple of weeks! I love all of you guys. I thank God for you everyday!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Sunset is Speaking

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world" (Psalm 19:1-4).

My professor Dave Powell used to say that there are moments when words cannot express what the soul is seeing and feeling. There is no word in any language that can convey the deepest
celebrations of the heart. These are the moments that speech disappears and all you can do is stand in awe.
This week my prayer has been, "Teach me to listen. May my words be few in your presence." I want to learn to just be still and let God.
-Carly Brown

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Laugh and A Reflection

Carly jokingly states, "Ben, you should carry my superhero purse to class."
Ben: "Ok."

This made me laugh pretty hard. It would have been even more hilarious to see all of the people's faces when he walked into his class with it strapped over his shoulder.
On a more serious note, I went to Two Rivers this morning and was so blessed by the message. I love to think that my God does not sit on a throne with his arms crossed mentally tallying up all the ways I screw up, but he is a God who desperately leans over the clouds to watch me and pursue me. He is a God who laughs with me at silly jokes. He's the God who dances and rejoices when I glorify his name. He is the God who cannot help but sing over me. He is the God who was sick to his stomach with emotion when I was in the dark. He is the God who is sick to his stomach with emotion over those high school girls that are in the dark. Realizing these truths just makes me feel such and overwhelming, passionate urge to proclaim, "I love you, God! I love you so much."
-Carly Davidson

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


In case you didn't notice, I'm kinda new in these parts. I figured, "What the hey! Everyone seems to have one o' these. Why not give it a whirl?!" So, friends, countrymen, ladies, and gentlemen, I now present my very first blog post...

This, my dear friends, is Gabriel Quay Shanahan. We call him Gabe. He's pretty much the coolest nephew ever. Now you may be looking at his fingers thinking to yourself, "What ARE those things?"

My answer: I have absolutely no idea. But an educated guess would suggest they are puppets made out of erasers. He's quite ingenius, if I do say so myself.

"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise" (1 Corinthians 1: 27).

Wake-Up Call

Today I visited the great LCHS. I've been kind of discouraged as of late. I just feel like I am NOT a super social person and I feel preeetty awkward walking into my old high school into a sea of faces. Well, this is how I was viewing it anyway. I was just kind of like, "What am I doing here, God? These girls won't listen to me! They probably think I'm really weird or ugly or annoying..." All of the above. But then I decided I wanted today to be different. So, I prayed. I took a deep breath. I wiped the sweat from my brows. I walked in. I graciously took my badge from Mrs. Krass. I walked to the commons. I decided I would sit on one of the benches in the middle. The bell rung and in poured hungry teenagers. A jolt in my stomach. Great. Nervous again. But soon enough girls that looked familiar walked in and I struck up conversation with them. And it was like a complete blanket of total peace washed over me. In fact, it was as if God himself whispered, "I'm here. Now stop freaking out...look at these girls. They aren't just another face in the crowd. They are each individually mine and uniquely made. Love them. Love them with all you've got. Love them like I love you." And in response to this voice, I decided internally, "This is where I'm supposed to be. This is where I lay my own life down--my own thoughts, interests, fears, desires--so that I may truly seek out and love girls like they've never been loved before." Thank you, Jesus. What a revelation!

As I was walking to leave, I saw a girl I met a few weeks ago. I yelled her name and she slowed down and let me walk with her. She told me she was really nervous about an upcoming presentation. We talked a little more and I told her I would pray that everything would go well. Her face brightened up and she said, "Thank you!" and out of no where gave me a big hug. Wow. And to think I contemplated not going today because I didn't want to go alone...

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1: 9).

Praise Him.

-Carls Barkley